Running Experiments

How did Einstein stay motivated? Like all great scientists, we fail; sometimes. What keeps us going? Do we believe the answer is so sweet, or valuable that we ignore the anxieties of failure?

I believe we do, as an entrapaneur I have a lot to lose, friends, family, money, and most precious of all time. My youth is the greatest sacrifise I've made to my career. I have a lot invested, but how do I stay motivated?

Success keeps us motivated. I feel that sentance doesn't need much explanation.

Does failure motivate us? I say if you squint really hard, it does. Falilure to an aspiring person is simply not an option. My philosophy is if you stick to something long enough, then how can you fail in the long run? You have invested a lot of your identity, perhaps you invested your own money, or even worse a loved one's money.

That's one thing that motivates me. I let family members, (whom I love very much) invest in my business, I can't let them down, though they borrowed me money that was extra, I still can't let them down.

One thing that inspires me, is the faith other people have in me. How can I lose?

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