Law of Attraction: Real of Fake?

Have you heard of the law of attraction?
If not; watch this video, you will be as filled in as most people.

Let me tell you about what I think the law of attraction is.

The Law of Attraction is; a "good will" approach towards achieving goals. This is falls under the self help garbage that most people eat up greedily.

But not you. You are smarter than this "New Age non-sense" You know, that memes like this take off because of statistics.

You KNOW, CAN EXPLAIN AWAY these anomolies that seem to defy most observable processes.

You KNOW Hard work determines hard results. You KNOW that one does not just "want" to be a millionaire" one has to follow procedures, such as win the lottery, or build a company, or rob people, or sell drugs. ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY WILL MONEY AND GOOD THINGS.

Some scheptics to my claims may say,  "But I've seen it work" To that is say, " I've also seen it work, in random situations, I've also seen it FAIL thounsands of TIMES.

One has to be a gullable idiot, to believe this garbage, arm your self with knowledge.

Arm your self with persperation, and will power.


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